© Bayreuther Festspiele, Lohengrin, 2018

Our Members

Wagner Society of Scotland
Guthrie Street
EH1 1JG Edinburgh
Fon: +44 7857602004

Chairman: Derek Williams, chair@wagnerscotland.net
Treasurer: Ian McLennan, Email: wsstreas3@gmail.com
Bayreuth Officer: (Tickets and Scholarship): Gabriele Kuhn , Email: gabriele.kuhn@btinternet.com 
Secretary: John Anderton, Email: john.anderton4@btinternet.com 
Membership Secretary: Alberto Massimo, Email: albertomassimopad@icloud.com
Talks Organiser: Susi Liles, Email: susiandrevmalcolmliles@gmail.com
Courses Organiser:  Robert McCutcheon, Email: rmccutcheon@blueyonder.co.uk
Newsletter Editor:  David Graham, Email: dirletonkirk@gmail.com
Website Editor:  Christine Proudfoot, Email: proudfoot1@blueyonder.co.uk

The Wagner Society of Scotland was founded in 1984 under the chairmanship of Derek Watson.  After Derek’s retiral in 2013, a new Committee was elected with Dale Bilsland as Chair, serving until 2017 when Derek Williams was elected.

Our patron is Edinburgh-born, internationally renowned conductor Sir Donald Runnicles OBE; honorary members are Richard Armstrong CBE, Linda Esther Gray, Sir Brian McMaster CBE and John Wallace CBE.

The Wagner Society of Scotland is proud to be a member of the RWVi, and in 2024, our Chair Derek Williams was elected to the RWVi Presidium.

We hold monthly talks on Sundays at 6.30pm from September to June, and a residential study course in the summer.  Prior to the arrival of the Covid-19 Pandemic, these gatherings were held at the Edinburgh Society of Musicians, 3 Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3BL, however talks are currently being offered via Zoom. See our events page for the current programme.

We welcome guests to our talks, and offer substantial discounts should you decide to become a member.  Students are eligible for free membership and free attendance at the talks.

If you have an interesting talk you'd like to present to our members, please contact our Talks Organiser. We pay £250 fee plus travel and accommodation expenses. If you have a course you'd like to run, please contact our Courses Organiser. If you have an article you'd like published in our Newsletter, please contact our Newsletter Editor.

Please have a browse through the site, and we very much look forward to welcoming you to one of our upcoming events!


Derek Williams