© Theater Bonn, Lohengrin, Thilo Beu 2019


29. Oct 2024
29. Oct 2024
Wagner Societies of Scotland, London, Dorset and Manchester, via Zoom
Ulrich Jagels – “View Behind the Scenes at the Bayreuth Festspiele”
View Behind the Scenes at the Bayreuth Festspiele”

Ulrich Jagels

29th October: 8pm Euro 7pm UK time
Please note this is a Tuesday

View behind the scenes of Bayreuther Festspiele covering the changing Audience, Sales and Marketing initiatives, Finance, and Building renovations.

Ulrich Jagels is Managing Director of the Bayreuth Festival. Jagels, who is a business economist, has held positions at the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Foundation, Rundfunk Orchester und Chöre gGmbH Berlin (roc berlin), Städtische Theater Chemnitz gGmbH and, most recently, as Administrative Director of the Leipzig Opera, where he was responsible for several construction projects with an estimated total volume of 30 million euros – including the elaborate renovation of the Musikalische Komödie, one of the few German theaters specifically for the operetta genre.

This will be a joint Zoom event with the Wagner Societies in Scotland, London, Dorset and Manchester, hosted by London.  Members  will receive the Zoom link from their own society nearer the time.

Admission (for WSoS attendees only):
Zoom:  £5 for non-members, free for members. Free for students.