© Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, Siegfried 2019


Southern German Wagner Societies hold a successful regional conference
Chairs of 7 Southern German Wagner Societies met up in Munich at the "Moviemento" to exchange experiences
RWVI Board member Karl Russwurm stated that this was the second time after a long break in the establishment of closer relations between the southern German societies.  The aim was not based on the motto "Mia san mia" but rather as a motor and motivator to help to bring these sucessful Societies together once more around a table at a regional conference.

The aim was and is to initiate a more intensive exchange of experiences among the Chairmen than can be achieved at Congresses or incidental meetings and to gradually deepen regional co-operation.

The Chairs from Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Augsburg, Ammersee, Munich and Bamberg attended.
Felix Spreng from the WS Rosenheim-Chiemgau, whose admission to the RWVI is imminent, and an respresentative from the WS Ulm were also present.

In the 6 hours available, no patent solutions for the most urgent problems were found, but the presentations and discussions of the individual requests from the Societies yielded some useful reference points and initiatives, which are now - partly together - better able to be addressed.
The following concrete points were agreed upon:

- Joint event "Ammersee/Munich" (Ammersee/Munich)
- Revival of co-operation between Munich and Augsburg
- Those about to travel to write in advance to the destination WS Chair to suggest a local meeting.
- To win over music teachers possibly as scholarship holders in order to hold workshops at music colleges, schools etc. 
- Education programmes to be given by suitable "member - experts/teachers". 
- Music Schools: to encourage students as presenters for concerts, with the reward of "accompanied visits to the opera".
- Suggestion: RWVI Newsletter to be issued more frequently in future
- Some larger selected trips should be offered to all Societies via the RWVI after appropriate examination.
(A Society must "wear its hat" in each case)
- Passing on" or "accompanying" of members or scholarship holders to a new location as well as joint travel etc.  

There was also some discussion about RWVI topics, in particular about approaches to reforming the "Singing Competition for Wagner voices".

A start has been made. Participants were in favour of a further meeting later this year, which could perhaps be attended by those "Southerners" who were unable to attend this time due to other commitments. .
Karl Russwurm (Member of the Board of the RWVI)