© Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, Siegfried 2019


Congress 2017 - Parsifal at Müpa, Budapest
A glorious semi-staged Parsifal at Müpa Budapest conducted by Adam Fischer, as part of the Richard Wagner Congress 2017
More information can be found at www.mupa.hu

Conductor - Adam Fischer
Director & Set-costume design - Alexandra Szemerédy & Magdolna Parditka
Lighting design - Károly Györgyfalvai

Lauri Vasar - Amfortas
Ferenc Cserhalmi - Titurel
Eric Halfvarson - Gurnemanz
Peter Seiffert - Parsifal
Jürgen Linn - Klingsor
Violeta Urmana - Kundry
Péter Kiss - First Grail Knight
Ákos Ambrus - Second Grail Knight
Zita Váradi, Ildikó Szakács, Krisztina Simon, Gabi Gál, Eszter Wierdl, Gabriella Balga - Flowermaidens
Atala Schöck - Voice from Above
Performers from the Vienna Boys Choir - First and second squires
Zoltán Megyesi - Third squire
József Mukk - Fourth squire